Field's Anatomy

Fields are the heart of this engine, and you can deal whit then in two flavors:

<Form inspect>
    {// Declareted }
    <Field fName='latitude'>
        {(fieldBidings, fieldStatus) => <input {...fieldBidings} />}
    {// Factored }
    <InputField fName={'name'} fInspect/>

The Declarative Way

Note that every prop comes prefixed with f, like fName. This is important because we don't want props been overwritten when interfaces merge, on wrapping fields (see: The Factored Way).

//"fieldBidings" Contains all bindings methods needed to the doble-way binding cycle, like onChange and value... 
//"fieldStatus" Contains information about the field, like, if it have errors or have been touched...
<Field fName='latitude'>
    {(fieldBidings, fieldStatus) => <input {...fieldBidings} />}

The Factored Way

Factories make using fields blase fast! Just bake once, e you are ready to go. Note that the new field have the two interfaces. It's own props, plus, the Field props.

Important: I recommend to sufix every baked field with "Field", to avoid messes with the native ones... After all, the baked one, is a new component!

// 1. Bake the field
const ComponentField = FieldFactory<ComponentProps>((fprops, props, fieldBindings, fielStatus) => 
    <Component {...props} {...fieldBindings} />

// 2. Use it
<ComponentField fName='name'/>

Last updated

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